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Elsa Carl Jeanne Lawrence
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This is my memorial page.


My mom, Elsa, died of aspiration pneumonia on her 82nd birthday.  She loved to garden and had a beautiful flower garden, she also loved to embroider, knit and sew, and all sorts of hand work.  She worked as a playground supervisor and crossing guard at the old Washington Grade School, where the 5 Star Chevy dealer is now.
My dad, Carl , died in 1990 of Pancreatic Cancer.  He lived from October to February with the disease.  He was my inspiration and I was very close to him.   I still miss him.  My dad was an excellent craftsman, he did carpentry work, and remodeled the house I grew up in.  He liked to fish, and he loved the back roads of Western Washington.
My sister, Jeanne, died of Pneumonia in 1994, she was only 39.  The last time I saw her was the Christmas of 1993, she had been married less than two years and it was the happiest I had seen her.  Jeanne was a year younger than me, and although we fought like cats and dogs, she was the closest sibling to me and I miss her alot.  Jeanne worked also with her hands, and she loved Mickey Mouse.
My brother, Lawrence is an MIA in Viet Nam, we know he died because his plane crashed into the sea as he was trying to land it.  I was 13 when Lawrence died and it affected me greatly.  He was 12 years older than me.  June 23, 1966 is a night I will never forget, that is the night when the Navy came to tell us the grim news.  I remember Lawrence would let me play his French Horn when I was a kid, and he even a couple of times let me come with him and his in friend, in his friend's convertible, that was a real treat.

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With the just, who have reposed in Your peace, grant rest, O Saviour, to the souls of your servants and bestow upon them the blessed life which is from You, O Lover of Mankind!
Grant rest within your peace, O Lord, to the soul of Your servants.
Within your peace where all Your saints repose, grant rest, O Lord, to the souls of Your servants for You alone are the Lover of Mankind.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
O Saviour, You are our God!  You descended into Hell to deliver those who were bound there in suffering; grant rest also to the souls of these your departed servants.
Now and unto Ages of Ages Amen.
O Theotokos, the only Virgin immaculate and pure, in virginity you have given birth to Christ our God; intercede with Him for the salvation of the souls of these your departed servants.


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